So we were in Toys R Us the
Saturday after Thanksgiving and saw Jess Winn from church and he asked how the whole Army recall had turned out. He said he had read about it on our blog and
that's when I realized I haven't updated this crazy thing in a LONG time. So here's the
scoop: The medical exemption is still under review and they have postponed my report date until January 4, 2009. I don't really have any clue how this is going to pan out but many people I talk with speculate that they are just postponing it to see what President elect Obama has planned for the deployment of troops. I don't know. I just wish they would tell me I'm off the the recall and leave me be. That's the update, and that's enough of that. On to more interesting things.
We are moving again. It's on the next street over from where we live now and is a little bigger. It has a basement apartment with a
kitchenette and full bathroom. Since having my younger brother, Spencer,
move in with us in September it's started to get crowded in here and so we feel the need for a bigger house and this one fit the bill. This place will give Spencer the opportunity to have his own place away from us. He's currently been sleeping on our queen size air
mattress in the old computer room. The computer has transferred to our room and the boys requested they all 3 be in the same room together again! The last room has once again become the play room for the boys. We are planning on being out of here on the 15
th of December. Moving into the other house will hopefully begin on the 11
th but we still haven't gotten the application from the property manager. The owner is in the military and stationed in the U.K. but actually called us this past week to chat with us about moving in. Nice guy. Sounded
alot like our friend Thomas
Oberman! If I hadn't known the guy was calling I would've thought it was Thomas when I answered the phone. School is school and I really hate
Pre-Calculus. I hate it so much I'm retaking it in the Spring! That's some deep hate going on! Megan is naturally doing
splendid, all A's, constantly worried about it, and stressing out more than anything over school. Silly lady. She's had her interview with
MCG (Medical College of Georgia) for the O.T. (Occupational Therapy) program that starts in the Fall of 2009. She's very nervous about this and hopes that she will get in even though she was accepted for Fall 2008 but lacked 16 credit hours and opted to wait until 2009 to attend. For some reason they wanted her to reapply and go through the whole process again. I have faith she'll get in because I know she's tons smarter than she gives
herself credit for. I may pester her about being naive and not street smart at times but that's only because I love to pick on her, or wait, no, it's because I love her! Yeah, that's right!!! The boys are having fun in school and Dylan sure misses them throughout the day. Ally and
Paisley are the ones who are for sure NAIVE, but we don't tell them that. We were hoping to have
Paisley bred for the holidays but she seems to have decided not to go that route this Winter. Maybe in the Spring she'll change her mind, she really wants puppies to cuddle. As for Ally, I think if
Paisley disappeared she wouldn't lose any sleep. They really got excited when I brought home my first Duck of the season. I went out Duck hunting with my buddy Darrel and I got a duck. My first shot of the season and I took that thing right out of the sky. It was our 2
nd day hunting. The first day, opening day, sucked. The 3rd day, I blasted one, he faked it, plunged to the water, and while I was focused on his buddy, got up and took off! Darrel saw it, I was to busy TRYING to shoot the other one. I breasted it out and ate it for Thanksgiving. It was really good.
Alot like deer meat I guess. NOT GREASY, DIDN'T TASTE LIKE CHICKEN. Duck season closed yesterday and will open again on
December 6
th. We will be out blasting them out of the sky, and Spencer will hopefully be with us. I'll post pictures of my duck as soon as we download them off Spencers phone!